Monday, November 15, 2010

Banana pancakes with golden syrup

Salutations readers.

Firstly, I must apologise for the minimal posting of late. You see, November is a very busy time for me as it contains not only mine, but also my husband's birthday. My birthday falls on the 11th, commonly known in Australia as Remembrance Day. This year I celebrated my birthday over four consecutive days (well nights really), shared with my husband, mother, father and in-laws - all that celebrating and eating out left me too tired to cook (as well as a few pounds heavier...)

This morning, however, I got back into my regular programming and whipped up some pancakes. Nothing special, just a fluffy pancake dotted with bananas that caramelise and soften, smothered in sticky, golden syrup. I've linked the recipe, but I shall save my usual ratings and descriptions for my next entry :)

Banana pancakes


  1. Happy Birthday!! - to you and your man :) These look fabulous! I seem to have forgotten golden syrup in favour of maple. Golden syrup does have such a lovely flavour, I should get back into it. I like it drizzled (generously) over vanilla icecream.
    Heidi xo

  2. Happy birthday to you and your husband!! I remember thinking on the 11th that there was something special about that day (apart from Remembrance Day). Clearly I subconsciously knew it was your birthday ;)

    Oh, and we're also unfortunate-birthday buddies. Mine is National Sorry Day. :S

  3. OMG, that looks irresistible.



  4. NOM. I've been particularly AWOL recently - don't really have a great reason, either. Just being lame, I guess. But this was the perfect post to come back to! Only problem is that it's cold, 11.30am and I don't have access to a kitchen at the moment: doh!

    But soon, my preciousss...

    Jax x

  5. Happy birthday to you both!

    I see these pancakes appearing at my breakfast soon. Knew those bananas were ripenening in the fruit bowl for a special purpose. They've found their destiny now ;)

  6. Happy belated breakfast to you both! These sound amazing especially with the golden syrup.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...a bit late, but the sentiment is still there! Great way to get back in the swing of things...panckaes!!

  8. i hope your birthday was super enjoyable! bravo with the pancakes and the pictures you took of them--i'm delighted!
